

Software Engineer

AI and the Dawn of a Mediocre Era

I can’t help but think about the recent achievements of Elon Musk’s companies.

You shouldn't use AI for programming

You shouldn’t use AI for programming.

Working with IPs in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL has a built-in type for IP addresses, and it’s called inet.

Implement and Customize Dark (and light) Mode in CSS

Providing support for different dark/light modes on your site goes beyond a mere trend. It has evolved from being an ’extra’ to a functionality that users appreciate and actively use.

Disallow AI Training in your web

Protect your original content from being used for AI learning.

Scrollable Element Shadow Hook

Add a right/left shadow cue for a scrollable element that exceeds its container width.

Functional JS: Monads

Programming with monads became very popular with the Haskell language, but nowadays they can be used in other languages like JavaScript.

Functional JS: Partial Application and Currying

These two techniques can help you simplify the code, even if the paradigm of your project is not functional.

Functional JS: Functors

Let’s review one of the most interesting concepts within functional programming.

New ES2020 features

ES2020 comes loaded with interesting features. Let’s review the most important ones.