

Software Engineer

Functional JS: Partial Application and Currying

These two techniques can help you simplify the code, even if the paradigm of your project is not functional.

Functional JS: Functors

Let’s review one of the most interesting concepts within functional programming.

New ES2020 features

ES2020 comes loaded with interesting features. Let’s review the most important ones.

Css Grid Layout 101

CSS Grid is now an established feature of CSS. Gone are the days when float was our only weapon to composing demanding layouts.

React Query Cache Keys

To make more advanced use of react-query requires mastering some strategies for cache management. One of the simplest is centralizing the generation of keys.

React Query Hooks

React Query is arguably the most popular library for React. I’m going to show how I typically use it with a simple example.

Building Blocks: A Scalable React Architecture

React SPA offers the flexibility to create stunning web applications with superb interfaces and user experiences. But, it falls short in providing guidelines on app organization. Let’s analyze a simple yet robust and scalable architecture solution for your React applications.

Speeding Up Angular with Preloading

The preloading strategy in Angular is all about balancing efficient load times and user experience, enabling your app to load modules in the background, while users interact with the application.

Boost Your Angular Application with AOT Compilation

Optimize your Angular application’s performance and improve its loading speed. In this post, we’ll explore how you can boost your Angular application with Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation.

Angular Lazy Loading Modules

Lazy Loading routes in Angular is an interesting technique that can significantly improve the performance of an Angular app.